Texas Benefits for Veterans: Home and Business Assistance

Texas Benefits for Veterans: Home and Business Assistance

Pexels Ivan Samkov

By Aaron Mead

As a veteran, you’ve earned access to specific benefits that can help you transition from military life to civilian life more smoothly. This article focuses on the home and business-related benefits available to veterans in the state of Texas. From housing assistance to property tax exemptions to small business grants, many programs can help you get back on your feet and position you for a strong start in this next chapter. Let’s look at some of your options!


Veterans Home Improvement Program


If you’re happy in your current home but it’s a little worse for wear or needs some styling updates, the Veterans Home Improvement Program (VHIP) can help you revamp your living space. The program offers low-interest loans for Texas veterans who want to tackle home improvement projects and repairs.


Veterans Housing Assistance Program


Say that your goal is to buy a home, but you don’t know how to do it in your current financial situation. The Veterans Housing Assistance Program (VHAP) can help you purchase a home that meets your and your family‘s needs. If eligible, you can get a low-interest loan and a small down payment; in some cases, you won’t have to pay a down payment at all.


Texas Veterans Land Board


As part of the Texas General Land Office (GLO), the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) offers services and benefits to Texas military members, veterans, and their families. The range of services includes low-interest home and land loans, skilled nursing home care, burial and interment services, and more.


Texas Property Tax Exemption


As you may already know, there is no state property tax in Texas. But the state takes it even further for veterans and their surviving spouses: you may be eligible for an array of partial or total tax exemptions from appraised property values on a local level!


Starting a Business


One of the first steps in starting a business is creating a business plan, which outlines your goals, target market, competitive analysis, and financial projections. Setting up a Limited Liability Company is a crucial step for new business owners, as it protects personal finances from business liabilities and offers potential tax benefits. For veterans in Texas, establishing an LLC can be streamlined with services like ZenBusiness, which provides specialized support and guidance tailored to veterans’ needs, making the process smoother and more efficient.


Finding Grants To Help Fund Your Business


If you plan to embark on a business venture, it’s essential to access the grants available to you as a veteran. You might be surprised how many grants out there can provide you with assistance and guidance on all matters related to launching a company. And these programs can help with essential costs like purchasing materials or covering salary expenses.


Being able to access these grants can make the difference between success and failure in the early stages of a business. So don’t overlook them if you want to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality!


The Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (MREIDL) — This federal loan program centers on equipping small businesses to brave the waves if an employee must leave for active duty. It can provide up to $2 million of working capital to cover any obligations during your absence.


Veteran Readiness and Employment Program for Disabled Vets — The VR&E program provides a range of services for disabled service members and veterans who want to launch their own businesses, from resume building to career coaching and independent living assistance.


SBA Veterans Advantage 7(a) Loan — The SBA designed these loans specifically for veteran-owned small businesses. You or your spouse can be eligible for the loan if you own 51% of the company and are an honorably discharged veteran, active-duty military service member, National Guard member, or active reservist.


These are just some of the many benefits available to veterans here in Texas that can make transitioning into civilian life much easier. Look into the ideas above, and continue researching the various home and business programs that can help you start civilian life on the right foot. You’ve served our country well — now it’s your turn to build a happy and successful life in the Lonestar state!


Trade Careers for Veterans

Guide to Choosing a Trade Career for Returning Service Members

Many returning service members worry about choosing a civilian career they’ll like — and that will give them the quality of life they deserve.

The skilled trades offer a work environment that many veterans like, along with steady, reliable pay.



Navigating Financial Success

Navigating Financial Success: Essential Tips for Young Veterans After Discharge


Transitioning to civilian life after military service presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges, particularly when it comes to personal finances. As young veterans adjust to life after discharge, the need to establish a strong financial footing is paramount. This guide from Vets Help Center is designed to provide foundational advice to help young veterans navigate their post-military financial landscape with confidence.


Crafting a Comprehensive Budget


The cornerstone of financial stability is a well-crafted budget. For young veterans, developing a budget that accounts for both fixed and variable expenses is essential. It’s about understanding the flow of your money – where it comes from and where it’s going. A comprehensive budget serves as a roadmap, guiding you toward financial goals and highlighting areas where adjustments can be made to ensure those goals are met.


Finding Employment


Securing stable employment is the next critical step. Crafting a professional resume that translates military expertise into skills applicable to civilian jobs is crucial. This document is not just a formality; it is a testament to your value as a potential employee, showcasing the unique skills and experiences acquired during service that can benefit future employers.


Saving for a Home


Homeownership is a common goal and, for veterans, more accessible thanks to VA loans. These loans offer significant advantages, such as no down payment and no need to purchase mortgage insurance, making the dream of owning a home more attainable. Exploring this benefit can provide a valuable stepping stone towards long-term financial security.


Managing High-Interest Debts


High-interest debt can be a formidable obstacle on the path to financial independence, often acting as a drain on one’s resources due to the relentless nature of compounding interest. Proactively addressing this challenge by focusing on paying down credit card balances and personal loans can mitigate long-term financial strain. This strategic approach not only liberates funds for more productive uses like investments and savings but also accelerates the journey toward true financial liberation.


Investing in Your Education and Career


Pursuing an online business degree program offers a flexible and efficient pathway to enhance your earning power, providing comprehensive knowledge in areas such as management, finance, and marketing. This mode of education allows for the continuation of full-time employment, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical workplace scenarios in real time. The accessibility and adaptability of these programs make it an attractive option for those looking to advance their careers.


Resisting Lifestyle Inflation


As income increases, so can the temptation to spend more. However, maintaining financial discipline by resisting lifestyle inflation can lead to greater financial freedom. It’s about striking a balance that allows for a comfortable life while still prioritizing savings and investments.


Networking with Veteran Communities


There is immense value in the shared experiences of the veteran community. Networking with peers who have successfully transitioned can offer insights and opportunities that might not be apparent. These connections can become a source of support, advice, and potential career advancement.


Exploring Supplemental Income


Diversification is a principle not just for investing but also for income. Leveraging the skills learned during military service can lead to additional income streams through part-time work or freelance opportunities. This not only bolsters financial stability but also enriches professional experience.


The journey to financial success for young veterans is a multi-faceted endeavor. It requires a blend of strategic planning, community support, and personal discipline. By taking proactive steps to manage finances, seeking employment that leverages military skills, and pursuing homeownership through a VA loan, young veterans can lay a strong foundation for a prosperous civilian life. The path ahead is one of great potential, and with the right approach, financial success is not just a possibility, but an expectation.


Join the effort to uncover the truth about governments and war veterans at Vets Help Center. Explore our resources, watch impactful documentaries, and become part of a community dedicated to seeking justice and support for all veterans. Visit us at Vets Help Center for more information.



The Ultimate College Guide for Veterans & Active Service Members

Veterans and active service members applying for college qualify for resources that help ease the transition to campus life. Read on for a guide to picking a VA-approved school, scholarships, credit for service experience, and community support.




PTSD and Sleep

Guide to Sleep and PTSD


The guide covers:

  • What PTSD is and how it impacts sleep
  • Common sleep disturbances associated with PTSD, such as insomnia or night terrors
  • Strategies for addressing PTSD-related sleep issues
  • How to improve sleep hygiene and create a safe sleeping environment
  • Tips for partners of people with PTSD 


Camp Lejeune Claims Center

We exist to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial benefits they deserve. We’re ready to help you — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

What Happened at Camp Lejeune?

Camp Lejeune is a U.S. Marine Corps Base in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Toxic chemicals were released into the water supply systems from 1953 to 1987. This means that nearly 1 million people may have been exposed to these harmful chemicals. As a result, anyone who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days during this period may now be entitled to compensation.

File a claim or call (866) 860-1236





Guide to VA claims

Mesothelioma VA Claims Guide

Far too many veterans are currently suffering from mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused from exposure to asbestos that takes 20-50 years to develop. Getting compensation for this disability is often a difficult process for veterans as well with many pitfalls and things that can cause their claim to be wrongfully denied. That’s why we made a guide on everything veterans need to know about the VA claims process.

Mesothelioma VA Claims Guide – https://lanierlawfirm.com/mesothelioma/veterans/guide-to-va-claims/

We put a ton of work into it. If you think this guide could be helpful for your veterans, would you consider sharing a link to this somewhere on your page? I’m sure you get a lot of requests like this, but I think it may be worth a look.


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Speech Pathology Degrees

Speech Pathology Degrees

Compare All Types of Speech Pathology Degrees

Speech pathology is an extremely important science that focuses on communication and swallowing issues in clients in all age groups. If you are the type of student that is seeking a career that can influence the quality of life for clients in need, this field could be one of many that can help you meet your career goals.



A Guide to Hiring Veterans in Your Small Business

Image via Pexels

A Guide to Hiring Veterans in
Your Small Business

Find more helpful content for
veterans at
Help Center

There’s a strong business case for
hiring veterans. Military veterans bring unique experiences and
skillsets to the table and are known for their loyalty, integrity,
and strong work ethic. Companies that hire military veterans also
benefit from tax incentives and a positive public image. Want to know
more? Here’s how to tap the talent of America’s veterans for
business success.

Transferable Skills
for Veterans

From a civilian’s perspective, the
military workforce can seem like a different world. However, military
veterans possess many skills valued by employers.

Soft Skills

Veterans are widely recognized for the
soft skills they bring to the civilian workplace. These include
skills like:

  • Integrity

  • Leadership

  • Teamwork

  • Communication

  • Critical thinking

  • Planning

  • Problem-solving

  • Resilience

  • Flexibility

  • Dependability

Hard Skills

Hard skills specific to a veteran’s
MOS can translate to the civilian workforce as well. Take, for

  • IT and cybersecurity. Tech
    jobs are in high demand for both large and small businesses, and
    veterans who worked as IT and cyber operations specialists are
    well-positioned to transition into these careers. Veterans also have
    access to IT
    training programs
    through Hire Our Heroes and other

  • Translation services.
    Military interpreters and translators are skilled in a variety of
    languages including several Middle Eastern languages. How
    much do translators make?
    Expect to pay $25 or more
    per hour for translation services for niche target languages.

  • Maintenance technicians.
    Military mechanics work with automotive and mechanical
    equipment, industrial control systems, and blueprint and technical
    diagrams, making these veterans ideally suited for jobs
    in building maintenance
    . New building maintenance
    technicians earn around $40,000 per year.

Incentives for Hiring

Employers may be eligible to receive
incentives for hiring veterans.

The most well-known is the Work
Opportunity Tax Credit. This federal tax credit of up to $9,600 per
qualifying worker is available to employers who hire target
including certain military veterans. Before
claiming the WOTC, employers must apply for and receive certification
of a worker’s eligibility.

The HIRE Vets Medallion Award is a
federal-level award that recognizes companies that hire, retain, and
develop veteran employees. Small employers can qualify for a platinum
or gold medallion based on the percentage of veteran employees among

How to Become a
Veteran-Ready Employer

Employers should do more than hire
veterans. Creating an environment where veterans thrive maximizes the
benefits of hiring military veterans.

Getting approved as a Registered
Apprenticeship Program is one important way that employers can
recruit and develop veteran employees. Registered apprenticeship
programs that get certified under the GI Bill are eligible to provide
GI Bill benefits
including housing allowances and
stipends to qualified apprentices.

Employers should consider appointing a
dedicated human resource professional to support veteran employees.
Veteran employee initiatives should help veterans integrate
and adapt
to the civilian workforce as well as learn
job-specific skills and concepts. This requires managers and leaders
to acquaint themselves with military culture and terminology in order
to meet veterans on common ground.

Familiarity with military culture also
empowers organizations to effectively screen and interview veteran
candidates. Tailoring
to military applicants ensures talented
candidates don’t fall through the cracks as a result of irrelevant
interview questions. Interviewers should questions about an
applicant’s discharge status or disabilities. Such questions are in
violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Military veterans add diversity to your
team while offering hard and soft skills that are highly valued in
the civilian workforce. However, the advantages of hiring veterans
may not be obvious to organizations new to military culture. Use this
information to improve your veteran recruitment and retention
strategies so your company can reap the benefits of hiring America’s


5 Ways Veterans Can Boost Their Sleep and Mental Health

The following is one of many articles from Vets Help Center to offer support and insight to war vets.


5 Ways Veterans Can Boost Their Sleep and Mental Health

Are you a veteran who is sick and tired of being tired? You’re not alone. Veterans are commonly impacted by sleep issues, which can have detrimental effects on their mental health. Since mental health can also be a stressful issue for veterans, it’s important to have the resources and information you need to make improvements to the quality of your sleep and overall well-being. That’s where these simple wellness and health tips from Vets Help Center can come in handy:

Seek Out Social Connections

Mental health and sleep can be closely intertwined, which means that if you are struggling with depression and other emotional issues, finding relief could also help you find better sleep. One way you can take better care of your mental health is to stay socially connected, especially after your separation from active duty service. Social connections are essential for both your mental and physical health, so look for ways to stay in touch with friends, family members, and even other veterans. If you’re missing out on the comradery you felt while serving, you can also check out your local VFW or American Legion chapter to meet up with fellow veterans. Joining one of these organizations can be a great way for veterans to stay socially connected so they can boost their mental health and sleep.

Eliminate Sleep Disruptors

Do you wake up with jaw pain or headaches? Have your teeth been chipping or cracking? If so, you may be grinding or clenching your teeth at night, which reduces your sleep quality and can lead to other problems that make it more difficult to sleep. The good news is that it’s easy to solve this issue with nighttime aligners. They provide a soft, slick surface between your top and bottom teeth so they don’t wear down, and as a bonus, they can even straighten your smile in as little as 10 hours a day. There are a lot of options for aligners (with Byte and Smile Direct Club among the most popular), so consult an online buying guide to help you decide which option is right for helping you sleep more soundly.

Schedule More Time for Self-Care

Many people seem to think that self-care is a luxury, self-care is actually a basic necessity for managing mental and physical health. So if you are not making self-care a priority, you could be putting yourself under more pressure and strain that can lead to more issues with your mental health, and of course, your sleep. For maximum sleep benefits, try adding relaxing self-care to your evening routines. Unwinding with a hot shower or breathing exercises can help quiet any thoughts keeping you up at night and prepare your body for sleep. If you tend to have racing thoughts that make it hard to fall asleep, you can also keep a journal by your bed so that you can get them onto paper and off of your mind at bedtime.

Shop for a New Mattress

Are you still sleeping on a full-size mattress leftover from basic training? Upgrading to a quality queen-sized mattress could be the key to improving your sleep. A queen mattress can be a great option for individuals and couples alike, providing more space to sleep without taking up too much space in your home. Having a bigger mattress can actually be better for couples and provides more room when sleeping with your partner. Sleep style and support needs can impact your mattress choice, but brands like Purple and Nectar have multiple options that could be a good fit. Finding the right mattress is one of the most basic steps you can take to reduce discomfort and disturbances during the night, so no matter what size you buy, you should make sure you purchase the best bed for your body type, needs, and sleep preferences.

Search for Veteran Benefits & Support

When you are constantly missing out on quality sleep, you are doing some pretty serious damage to your body and brain. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to chronic disease, cognitive impairments, and even premature death. So if improvements to your bedroom or routine don’t seem to improve your sleep, you may need to reach out to professionals. Thankfully, the VA does offer help with sleep issues, since many veterans experience sleep issues after their separation, particularly if they have PTSD. You can use these benefits to complete sleep studies and you can work with your healthcare provider to create a treatment plan that will reduce those sleepless nights. If stress about your mental health is making it difficult to sleep at night, you can also seek mental health help from your local VA or veteran organizations.

If you want to get back on track with your life and improve your mental well-being, you have to find ways to get back on track with your sleep. The tips above can be helpful for improving all aspects of overall health, but they can be especially beneficial for enhancing your sleep and taking back control of your life.

Photo Credit: Unsplash


VA Home Loan Centers

How VA Home Loans Improved Recently

According to Real estate experts, VA home loans are the best government loans available due to their incredible benefits, government guarantee, and money-saving opportunities. However, VA loans did not begin in their current state; that is a direct result of the 77-year history of continuous updates and expansions through several administrations.

The first significant update to take place was the Veterans Housing Act of 1970, which President Richard Nixon signed into law, made it possible for veterans to take advantage of VA loans more than two years after they finish their service. Eight years later, President Jimmy Carter signed the Veterans Housing Benefits Improvement Act of 1978, which increased the number of eligible applicants.

These updates and many other smaller ones have improved VA home loans over time and adapted them to the needs of veterans in more modern days. Thankfully the updates have not stopped, and the latest one of these major updates has improved VA home loans by making changes to the VA county loan limits and closing costs.

The Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019

Signed into law on June 15, 2019, by former President Donald Trump, the law’s primary goal was to increase the medical benefits for Vietnam War veterans who might have been exposed to dangerous chemicals during their deployment. This includes internationally recognized chemical weapons like Agent Orange or Mustard Gas.

In addition to these changes, the act also made the previously stated changes which have made a significant improvement on VA home loans. Changes made by the new law have led to an 11.4% increased usage of VA home loans in 2020 compared to 2019.

  • Funding Fee Changes

The funding fee is paid by VA loan borrowers to reduce the costs of VA benefits to the American taxpayer which because of this law saw an increase from 0.15% to 0.30% for veterans and active duty service members. At the same time, the funding fee was reduced by an equivalent amount for members of the National Guard and reservists.

There are, however, some groups of applicants that were not affected by the new law. This includes veterans with service-related disabilities who already enjoyed an exemption for paying the VA funding fee.

  • Loan Limit Changes

Perhaps the biggest change made to VA loans by this new law is the removal of loan limits for first-time VA home loan borrowers. This is significant because it allows borrowers to buy a home anywhere in the country without having to follow VA county loan limits.

Although, it is important to know that the borrower will have to follow county limits set up by individual qualified lenders. At the moment, VA Home Loan Centers has lenders who have a $5 million loan limit for eligible applicants, meaning that it is possible to borrow that much without making a down payment.

In addition to removing loan limits for first-time borrowers, the law also removed loan limits for Native American Veterans who are taking out a loan to purchase a home or build a home on Federal Trust Land.

There are limitations to these loan limit removals with borrowers who have more than one active VA home loan still having to adhere to county loan limits which in most low-cost counties is set at $548,250.


Since their founding, VA home loans have helped more than 25 million veterans become homeowners. Hopefully, with these latest updates more eligible applicants will take advantage of their VA benefits and buy a home for little to no money down. In addition, VA loans and their constant upgrades show the U.S. Government’s commitment to rewarding current and former service members for their service.

Phil Georgiades is the CLS for VA Home Loan Centers, a government-sponsored brokerage specializing in VA loans. He has more than 22 years of experience working in the real estate industry. For more information about VA home loans or apply for a VA mortgage loan, call us at (877) 432-5626.
